1. Are your play trays safe for children?

 Our Play Trays are food-safe and use non-toxic formaldehyde-free and VOC-free coatings and varnishes during production. They are safe to use in sensory play with most sensory bases however, we always recommend that play be supervised, particularly with young children.

The objects and small parts you add to the trays may not be suitable for some children and are not recommended for children under the age of 3. The use of small parts is at the parent’s discretion and should always be supervised. Many sensory bases and small parts are choking hazards and as such should be used with caution.

  1. Are your play trays waterproof?

Yes, our trays are waterproof. We have tested our play trays using several wet bases including water, oobleck, jelly (however not set in the tray itself) and milk. While the tray is waterproof, we do not recommend leaving water or wet bases in the tray for extensive periods of time.

  1. Are your play trays stain resistant?

 As per our care instructions, it is not recommended that you rub or scrub the tray or wash the tray with harsh chemicals as this will erode the varnish. We also do not recommend the use of metal utensils during play, as this may also scratch off the varnish. If the varnish/coating is damaged or scratched, we do not recommend the use of coloured dyes, as this will cause staining.

While we have tested our play trays with food colouring and natural dyes and they do not seem to stain, we do not claim that our trays are completely stain resistant. Sticky bases such as slime have been known to effect the coating and create some staining. Always follow the care instructions to ensure your tray will last.

  1. Can I use the tray as a cheese board or for food service?

You can use the tray for food as it is food-safe, however we do not recommend using the tray as a cutting board or cheese board as this will likely result in erosion and scratching of the varnish/coating.

  1. Do you ship internationally?

Yes we do ship internationally, customs forms will be provided due to the product being made from wood. Please check our shipping policy for more details.

  1. Do you offer refunds if I am not happy with the tray or kit?

We only offer refunds if there is something wrong with the tray or the sensory kit. Please see our refund policy for more details.